Get Your Head Out of That SEO Report and Around the Importance of Content and Coding
Don’t get me wrong, analysis is an important aspect within every business discipline, but running those reports every Monday morning to analyse SERP movements, traffic sources and visitor demographics will not improve your SEO.
Don’t Be Afraid to Admit You Need SEO Help
It’s funny, I was talking to a guy the other day and he explained he was “on top of his SEO”. What transpired was that he was checking his Google Analytics regularly. It has become a slightly odd misconception amongst website owners that understanding SEO means to understand an SEO report. Website owners are feeling comfortable speaking on SEO because they know how many visitors surfed in from Toronto this week or how many hits the keyword ‘discount pine wood furniture’ received. I guess when you run a website you become slightly proud and asking for SEO help is like admitting you don’t really know what you’re doing. But this isn’t the case at all; SEO is a specialist subject and is very different from development, design and the general running of a website.
Analytics is the Easy Part
Let’s be honest, a ten year old could probably get their head around an SEO report, it isn’t difficult. What website owners are failing to understand is that they should be doing less analysing and report running and more on-page and off-page optimisation. All this analysis is focussed around where traffic came from and what it did when it reached your website site. But what signals is your website putting out to attract traffic in the first place? Is your website maximising traffic by using the best keyword strategy within your content? Is your content compelling enough to convert the lead to a sale? Furthermore is your coding index friendly?
Is it Time to Admit You Need an SEO Pro?
There are a heap of things to understand, and trying to figure them out by wading your way through the myriad of information woven into articles across the web can be a nightmare. Knowing how to properly construct title tags, headline tags, meta-tags, keyword descriptions and robot tags are the reasons most people end up seeking SEO help from an SEO pro.
Don’t sit in your comfort zone getting used to viewing weekly analytics that don’t really change at all. Do something proactive to improve the long term sustainability of your web business. Contact an SEO pro for a deeper analysis on the content and coding of your website, I guarantee you will be very surprised at just how much needs improving.