Not much is the answer for around 75% of those operating a web business. And the reason behind this large failing is the lack of a complete digital marketing strategy. It’s time to forget fancy design work, slow loading pages and dazzling page layouts and time to implement a well researched, user friendly website design that concentrates on conversion.

Externalise Your Vision

No one can blame you for being excited when your website was completed and you wooed all your friends and associates with how technical and interactive it was – but the disappointment soon kicked in after a couple of months of low conversions, right? Don’t worry, it’s a common Read more

URLPreviously we have touched on making effective use of a URL in terms of utilising the opportunity to target a keyword. But the URL is so much more than simply an opportunity to target a keyword; it is a major search marketing tool. In this instance I mean search marketing in terms of marketing to the consumer once the search results have been displayed. Once you have secured a decent search engine placement you will be fighting it out with another 12 or so first page rankers, and this is where the URL comes into its own. Read more

Meta TagsThere is a general consensus amongst internet marketing specialists that meta-descriptions (the text snippets you see in search results) are not a factor that Google and Yahoo consider when ranking pages within their listings. Some people go as far as suggesting that optimizing meta-titles and descriptions is a waste of time. The reason behind this negativity is an apparent announcement sometime ago by both Google and Yahoo stating that they no longer use meta-descriptions in their search algorithms. However, pay close attention because the dynamics have since changed. Read more

Internet Marketing ConsultantsI ran into an old buddy yesterday who runs a tech related ecommerce site. He has been in the game since day one and made a fair bit of cash when the internet was in its infancy. Of late he has been struggling due to excessive competition and the global economic downturn. Price guide websites have put the squeeze on guys like this and the competition for top search spots is at an all time high.

Enter The Internet Marketing Consultant…

He went on to tell me that he has employed the services of an internet marketing consultancy to analyse his site and produce a report highlighting where things could be improved. Fair enough I thought, good idea. However, it turns out that Read more

Internet Marketing Strategy and Planning

For any business initiative to achieve success there must be a comprehensive strategy planning process, and internet marketing is no exception. Planning should involve the use of in-depth market and competitor analysis and should be documented in the form of a structured proposal. Internet marketing strategies are no different in concept to any other general business strategy; there are certain fundamental aspects of a strategy that cannot be bypassed, for example:

  • Project aim
  • Description of the target demographic
  • Competitor analysis Read more


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